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[palm-unix-j:00269] USB hotsync (J$B$G(B(J "Please press the HotSycbutton now..." (J$B$H=P$k(B(J(J


CLIE PEG-T400 $B!A(B TP240(linux 2.4.17) $B4V$G(B USB hotsync $B$5$;$h$&$H$7$F$$$^$9!#(B
hotsync button $B$r2!$7!"(Bdmesg $B$K$O0J2<$N$h$&$K(B ttyUSB? $B$rG'<1$7$?$H$3$m$^$GMh$^$9$,!"(B
  pilot-xfer /dev/ttyUSB0 -l 

  Please press the HotSync button now...

$B$H=P$F;_$^$C$F$7$^$$$^$9(B(/dev/ttyUSB1 $B$G$bF1MM(B)$B!#(B
$B$3$3$G(B hotsync $B%\%?%s$r2!$7$F$b$J$K$b$*$3$j$^$;$s$,!"(B
visor.o, usbserial.o $B$O%m!<%I$5$l!"$A$c$s$H;H$o$l$F$$$k$h$&$G$9!#(B
jpilot $B$bF1MM$K(B "Hotsync $B%\%?%s$r2!$7$F2<$5$$(B" $B$H=P$F;_$^$j$^$9!#(B

$B$^$@(B T400/T600C $B$O%5%]!<%H$5$l$F$J$$$H$$$&$3$H$b$"$j$=$&$G$9$,!"(B

CLIE T400 $B$G(B MS Import $B$rF0$+$7$?;~$K(B linux $BB&$+$i(B /dev/sda

 --- dmesg $B$NFbMF(B:
usb.c: USB device 4 (vend/prod 0x54c/0x66) is not claimed by any active driver.
  Length              = 18
  DescriptorType      = 01
  USB version         = 1.00
  Vendor:Product      = 054c:0066
  MaxPacketSize0      = 16
  NumConfigurations   = 1
  Device version      = 1.00
  Device Class:SubClass:Protocol = 00:00:00
    Per-interface classes
  bLength             =    9
  bDescriptorType     =   02
  wTotalLength        = 002e
  bNumInterfaces      =   01
  bConfigurationValue =   01
  iConfiguration      =   00
  bmAttributes        =   c0
  MaxPower            =    2mA

  Interface: 0
  Alternate Setting:  0
    bLength             =    9
    bDescriptorType     =   04
    bInterfaceNumber    =   00
    bAlternateSetting   =   00
    bNumEndpoints       =   04
    bInterface Class:SubClass:Protocol =   ff:00:00
    iInterface          =   00
      bLength             =    7
      bDescriptorType     =   05
      bEndpointAddress    =   81 (in)
      bmAttributes        =   02 (Bulk)
      wMaxPacketSize      = 0010
      bInterval           =   00
      bLength             =    7
      bDescriptorType     =   05
      bEndpointAddress    =   01 (out)
      bmAttributes        =   02 (Bulk)
      wMaxPacketSize      = 0010
      bInterval           =   00
      bLength             =    7
      bDescriptorType     =   05
      bEndpointAddress    =   82 (in)
      bmAttributes        =   02 (Bulk)
      wMaxPacketSize      = 0040
      bInterval           =   00
      bLength             =    7
      bDescriptorType     =   05
      bEndpointAddress    =   02 (out)
      bmAttributes        =   02 (Bulk)
      wMaxPacketSize      = 0040
      bInterval           =   00
usb.c: kusbd: /sbin/hotplug add 4
usb.c: kusbd policy returned 0xfffffffe
usb.c: registered new driver serial
usbserial.c: USB Serial support registered for Generic
usbserial.c: USB Serial Driver core v1.4
usbserial.c: USB Serial support registered for Handspring Visor
usbserial.c: USB Serial support registered for Palm 4.0
usbserial.c: USB Serial support registered for Sony Cli.ANi 3.5
usbserial.c: USB Serial support registered for Sony Cli.ANi 4.0
usbserial.c: Sony Cli.ANi 4.0 converter detected
visor.c: Sony Cli.ANi 4.0: Number of ports: 2
visor.c: Sony Cli.ANi 4.0: port 1, is for Generic use and is bound to ttyUSB0
visor.c: Sony Cli.ANi 4.0: port 2, is for HotSync use and is bound to ttyUSB1
usb-uhci.c: interrupt, status 2, frame# 24
usbserial.c: Sony Cli.ANi 4.0 converter now attached to ttyUSB0 (or usb/tts/0 for devfs)
usbserial.c: Sony Cli.ANi 4.0 converter now attached to ttyUSB1 (or usb/tts/1 for devfs)
usb.c: serial driver claimed interface c72fbea0
visor.c: USB HandSpring Visor, Palm m50x, Sony Cli.ANi driver v1.5
hub.c: port 1 connection change
hub.c: port 1, portstatus 100, change 3, 12 Mb/s

 --- lsmod $B$NFbMF(B:
Module                  Size  Used by
visor                   9472   1 
usbserial              17744   0  [visor]
nfs                    42784   1  (autoclean)
lockd                  46640   1  (autoclean) [nfs]
sunrpc                 57440   1  (autoclean) [nfs lockd]
nls_iso8859-1           2880   0  (autoclean)
nls_cp437               4384   0  (autoclean)
vfat                    9200   0  (autoclean)
fat                    28800   0  (autoclean) [vfat]
usb-uhci               20928   0  (unused)
mousedev                3808   0  (unused)
hid                    12576   0  (unused)
input                   3072   0  [mousedev hid]
usbcore                52064   1  [visor usbserial usb-uhci hid]
snd-card-es1938         1680   0 
snd-es1938             11504   0  [snd-card-es1938]
snd-pcm                28768   0  [snd-es1938]
snd-timer               8528   0  [snd-pcm]
snd-mixer              25664   0  [snd-es1938]
snd                    31312   1  [snd-card-es1938 snd-es1938 snd-pcm snd-timer snd-mixer]
soundcore               3280   0  [snd]
wvlan_cs               23872   1 
ds                      6576   1  [wvlan_cs]
i82365                 22256   1 
pcmcia_core            41408   0  [wvlan_cs ds i82365]
rtc                     5536   0  (autoclean)
serial                 44800   0  (autoclean)
